This is one of three sections of a 6’ long 18” high model. Meet the kitchen staff.

One of three sections of a 6’ long 18” tall model in the window of The Tea Store in Montclair, NJ.

This is the ‘tea room’ section of a 6’ long 18” tall model. Best multitasker in the business.

This was rigged to spin. About 2’ in diameter. For Intel commercial

This is part of a 4 x 4’ model relating to the previous earth model, as if the camera zoomed in. Intel commercial

We made various clouds out of fiberfill to float around the earth in the Intel commercial

Noir Flonase commercial. Scale 1"= 1'

In progress stage, about to add trees… For Chanel

Chanel Print ad for Paris Vogue. Art Director Noemi Bonazzi

European cell phone commercial

We made a bunch of these to put in a miniature snow covered mountain village.

Different home styles for different people. For a California Real Estate commercial.

Also in the costumes section, it’s the perfect mix of the two catagories. For California Real Estate commercial

These had comfy bike helmets on the inside for a snug fit. For California Real Estate association.

These were designed to be as light and balanced as possible so they could be worn for up to 45 minutes at a time. These actors were real troupers!

The rare model space ship job. For Papa Gino's. I had just finished it and went to spray it with matte clear and it was actually silver paint!!! and it was 2 AM! Fixed it and went to bed at 4.

Maybe the most miniature thing we have ever made

Endless zoom in from outer space - an excellent Peter Corbett job.

Daylight version. Lazy Boy Furniture Stores ad.

Beastie Boys Intergalactic video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORYO0atB6g


Intergalactic music video

A guy in a robot costume stomped in the streets all over these models https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORYO0atB6g

A model of the existing Metlife board room. A parting gift for the CEO of MetLife.

Working LEDs in the coffered ceiling. This is the hinged lid of the MetLife board room model.

A view from the side door

We made a rig that would launch the ball into the air and drop it in the mini net every time. Rice Crispies commercial

Made of embroidery thread on a tiny spoked form.

This was 1" = 1' with a whole lot of laser cut oak leaves. Pennsylvania Lottery commercial

Studio shot of leaves and bark of the miniature tree which used about 5000 laser cut paper leaves. The tree was about 36-40" tall

The sign in back had hundreds of mini light bulbs and a controller to create the appearance of shorting out on cue. Sign malfunction equals constipation, so EAT TOTAL CEREAL. Yet another excellent Peter Corbett job!

The roof lifts off so Big Brawny can access the women inside!

The house blew up when the truck crashed into it. SNL

This model was 48" wide. The stainless cladding was formed with custom dies piece by piece using shim stock.
The diner was used in a short movie, sort of a Twilight Zone episode, where the diner is actually an alien ship that blasts off at the end.

48" wide and based on a real diner in upstate NY.

For Flonase commercial. What’s Flonase? it makes your nasal passages flow.

With lit steet lamp for Flonase

For Flonase commercial. Sculpted, cast in resin, painted gold.

Lube Joint TV commercial when the first Tim Burton Batman movie came out.

More buildings for a Lube commercial that used a 'Batman' visual theme

TIm Burton-esque lube commercial

I think a couple was driving a car around a questionable city looking for a reliable lube joint. All there was were these freakish places, until of course they pulled into the best lube joint ever.

The dice rotated on Lucky’s Oil Palace.

As you can see by the 6’ tall guys behind the buildings, this set was not miniature. Fun job!

My favorite one, the Dali-esque clock

TV commercial for VCR tapes. I was under the table with a spoon, pitching dirt out of a tiny hole. “Dig your way to comedy"

The Saturn V custom model was 5' tall. That little head up there is Rob A. Another excellent Peter Corbett job.

TV commercial

We created new decals for these slot cars. Nascar commercial

Nascar commercial on ESPN

The cars had to be tethered together if more than 3 travelled on the same track. Limited juice runs through the individual tracks

Nascar commercial

For The Carson Daly Show. This was Saddam's “rat hole” rendered in Lego

Pesticide commercial

AT&T commercial

Burger kaiser

Forced perspective for German Burger King

AT&T commercial

AT&T commercial

Kraft tv commercial

Kraft commercial

Lord & Taylor window in NYC

Cast in translucent resin from SLA parts. With sewn clothing and crepe hair. This man sits on a giant pigeon’s head as seen in the oversized props section.

Irish village. For TSB commercial. 1" = 1’

This is the town square at the end of a 20' long street. TSB commercial

This was about 14' wide. TSB Irish Bank commercial

For the Irish bank commercial

Pillow fibre fill is magic.

We made the boardwalk, beach, water, and car.

TV commercial for Barbie Castle with Rolling Hills and Trees

Tiny little model for a phone company commercial. Before cell phones were a thing

Watched Netflix while building it out of styrene and plex.

sculpted in clay and cast in resin

actually cast in resin

the boxes fell away as a hand puppetted moped raced through them

The cookies are part of the landscape because this was a Doordash Girlscout cookie commercial. There were cases of cookies all around that one could eat if they wanted to

That kitchen addition spun around as the camera approached

its a miniature technically because its little, but its really just a mirror igloo …for a Noemi Bonazzi shoot

This is one of three sections of a 6’ long 18” high model. Meet the kitchen staff.
One of three sections of a 6’ long 18” tall model in the window of The Tea Store in Montclair, NJ.
This is the ‘tea room’ section of a 6’ long 18” tall model. Best multitasker in the business.
This was rigged to spin. About 2’ in diameter. For Intel commercial
This is part of a 4 x 4’ model relating to the previous earth model, as if the camera zoomed in. Intel commercial
We made various clouds out of fiberfill to float around the earth in the Intel commercial
Noir Flonase commercial. Scale 1"= 1'
In progress stage, about to add trees… For Chanel
Chanel Print ad for Paris Vogue. Art Director Noemi Bonazzi
European cell phone commercial
We made a bunch of these to put in a miniature snow covered mountain village.
Different home styles for different people. For a California Real Estate commercial.
Also in the costumes section, it’s the perfect mix of the two catagories. For California Real Estate commercial
These had comfy bike helmets on the inside for a snug fit. For California Real Estate association.
These were designed to be as light and balanced as possible so they could be worn for up to 45 minutes at a time. These actors were real troupers!
The rare model space ship job. For Papa Gino's. I had just finished it and went to spray it with matte clear and it was actually silver paint!!! and it was 2 AM! Fixed it and went to bed at 4.
Maybe the most miniature thing we have ever made
Endless zoom in from outer space - an excellent Peter Corbett job.
Daylight version. Lazy Boy Furniture Stores ad.
Beastie Boys Intergalactic video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORYO0atB6g
Intergalactic music video
A guy in a robot costume stomped in the streets all over these models https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORYO0atB6g
A model of the existing Metlife board room. A parting gift for the CEO of MetLife.
Working LEDs in the coffered ceiling. This is the hinged lid of the MetLife board room model.
A view from the side door
We made a rig that would launch the ball into the air and drop it in the mini net every time. Rice Crispies commercial
Made of embroidery thread on a tiny spoked form.
This was 1" = 1' with a whole lot of laser cut oak leaves. Pennsylvania Lottery commercial
Studio shot of leaves and bark of the miniature tree which used about 5000 laser cut paper leaves. The tree was about 36-40" tall
The sign in back had hundreds of mini light bulbs and a controller to create the appearance of shorting out on cue. Sign malfunction equals constipation, so EAT TOTAL CEREAL. Yet another excellent Peter Corbett job!
The roof lifts off so Big Brawny can access the women inside!
The house blew up when the truck crashed into it. SNL
This model was 48" wide. The stainless cladding was formed with custom dies piece by piece using shim stock.
The diner was used in a short movie, sort of a Twilight Zone episode, where the diner is actually an alien ship that blasts off at the end.
48" wide and based on a real diner in upstate NY.
For Flonase commercial. What’s Flonase? it makes your nasal passages flow.
With lit steet lamp for Flonase
For Flonase commercial. Sculpted, cast in resin, painted gold.
Lube Joint TV commercial when the first Tim Burton Batman movie came out.
More buildings for a Lube commercial that used a 'Batman' visual theme
TIm Burton-esque lube commercial
I think a couple was driving a car around a questionable city looking for a reliable lube joint. All there was were these freakish places, until of course they pulled into the best lube joint ever.
The dice rotated on Lucky’s Oil Palace.
As you can see by the 6’ tall guys behind the buildings, this set was not miniature. Fun job!
My favorite one, the Dali-esque clock
TV commercial for VCR tapes. I was under the table with a spoon, pitching dirt out of a tiny hole. “Dig your way to comedy"
The Saturn V custom model was 5' tall. That little head up there is Rob A. Another excellent Peter Corbett job.
TV commercial
We created new decals for these slot cars. Nascar commercial
Nascar commercial on ESPN
The cars had to be tethered together if more than 3 travelled on the same track. Limited juice runs through the individual tracks
Nascar commercial
For The Carson Daly Show. This was Saddam's “rat hole” rendered in Lego
Pesticide commercial
AT&T commercial
Burger kaiser
Forced perspective for German Burger King
AT&T commercial
AT&T commercial
Kraft tv commercial
Kraft commercial
Lord & Taylor window in NYC
Cast in translucent resin from SLA parts. With sewn clothing and crepe hair. This man sits on a giant pigeon’s head as seen in the oversized props section.
Irish village. For TSB commercial. 1" = 1’
This is the town square at the end of a 20' long street. TSB commercial
This was about 14' wide. TSB Irish Bank commercial
For the Irish bank commercial
Pillow fibre fill is magic.
We made the boardwalk, beach, water, and car.
TV commercial for Barbie Castle with Rolling Hills and Trees
Tiny little model for a phone company commercial. Before cell phones were a thing
Watched Netflix while building it out of styrene and plex.
sculpted in clay and cast in resin
actually cast in resin
the boxes fell away as a hand puppetted moped raced through them
The cookies are part of the landscape because this was a Doordash Girlscout cookie commercial. There were cases of cookies all around that one could eat if they wanted to
That kitchen addition spun around as the camera approached
its a miniature technically because its little, but its really just a mirror igloo …for a Noemi Bonazzi shoot